2014年11月30日 星期日

新書推薦-「聖誕故事The Christmas Stories(25K軟皮精裝+1CD)


新書推薦-「聖誕故事The Christmas Stories(25K軟皮精裝+1CD)














O. Henry歐.亨利(1862-1910)

  歐‧亨利是美國短篇小說家,原名William Sidney Porter,他一生從事過多種職業,包括簿記員、藥劑師、製圖師和記者等。1896年時被控盜用金錢而入獄,在獄中他開始寫作短篇小說,出獄後移居紐約,創作了近三百篇短篇小說。


Hans Christian Andersen安徒生(1805-1875)

  安徒生為丹麥著名作家,自幼便富想像力。十一歲時,父親因病去世,母親染上酗酒習慣,他被迫輟學去當織工和裁縫學徒。1819年,安徒生開始寫作,他閱讀大量名家如哥德、拜倫的作品,學習創作詩篇和劇本,並於1822年發表作品《嘗試集》(Ghost at Palnatoke's Grave),但未獲劇院採用。

  1829年,安徒生首度以《阿馬格島漫遊記》(A journey on foot from Holmens Canal to the east point of Amager)一嚐成功滋味。該書首刷便銷售一空,安徒生從此脫離貧窮的陰影。同年四月,他的喜劇〈在尼古拉耶夫塔上的愛情〉(Love in Nicolai Tower)於皇家歌劇院上演。真正讓安徒生成名的作品,則是1835年出版的小說《即興詩人》(The Improvisatore),甫一出版即被譯為德、英兩種語言,使他成為享譽國際的作家。可惜在這之後的作品銷售量不盡理想,1837年,長篇小說《不過是個提琴手》(Only a Fiddler)問世,安徒生才又重獲文壇認同。


  安徒生因童話贏得舉世聲譽,榮獲國家授予丹麥國旗勳章。1875年,一代童話大師逝世。丹麥政府收購其幼年居住的小屋,興建「安徒生紀念館」以資紀念。1913年,雕塑家艾里克森(Edrard Erichsen)根據〈小美人魚〉故事,完成遠眺大海的美人魚雕像,成為哥本哈根的重要地標。



The Gift of Magi 聖誕禮物

Chapter One  Only One Dollar and Eighty-Seven Cents 一元八角七分

Chapter Two  A Christmas Present 聖誕禮物

Chapter Three  The Big Surprise 最大的驚喜

The Fir Tree 樅樹

Chapter Four  The Tree in the Forest 森林裡的樹

Chapter Five  A Very Sad Life 悲慘的生活


  This series of Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces are a special reading comprehension booster program, devised to improve reading comprehension for beginners whose command of English is not satisfactory, or who are elementary, middle, and high school students. With this program, you can enjoy reading masterpieces in English with fun and efficiency.

  This carefully planned program is composed of 5 levels, from the beginner level of 350 words to the intermediate and advanced levels of 1,000 words. With this program’s level-by-level system, you are able to read famous texts in English and to savor the true pleasure of the world’s language.

  The program is well conceived, composed of reader-friendly explanations of English expressions and grammar, quizzes to help the student learn vocabulary and understand the meaning of the texts, and fabulous illustrations that adorn every page. In addition, with our “Guide to Listening,” not only is reading comprehension enhanced but also listening comprehension skills are highlighted.

  In the audio recording of the book, texts are vividly read by professional American actors. The texts are rewritten, according to the levels of the readers by an expert editorial staff of native speakers, on the basis of standard American English with the ministry of education recommended vocabulary. Therefore, it will be of great help even for all the students that want to learn English.
