2014年10月30日 星期四








































Eating Seafood Happily-Various Seafood Cooking Methods


Commonly-Used Sauces for Seafood Dishes


Buying and Processing Skills of Seafood

海鮮快炒料理Stir-Frying Seafood Dishes

腰果蝦仁 *保護心血管+潤腸通便

Shrimps with Cashews

��Provide cardiovascular protection and better digestion.

宮保魷魚 *預防血管硬化+強化骨骼

Kung Pao Squids

��Prevent hardening of the blood vessels and strengthen bones.

醋燒薑絲小卷 *預防肥胖+促進血液循環

Inshore Squids Simmered in Vinegar Topped with Grated Ginger

��Prevent obesity and enhance blood circulation.

滑蛋蝦仁 *增強免疫力+保護肝臟

Stir-Fried Peeled Shrimps with Eggs

��Strengthen the immune system and protect liver.

百合蟹管肉 *營養滋補+預防動脈硬化

Crab Legs with Lily

��Provide nutrition and prevent atherosclerosis.

豆苗蝦仁 *提振食慾+美膚養顏

Peeled Shrimps with Peapod Stems

��Improve appetite and skin texture.

��O醬百花油條 *滋補開胃+促進肌肉生長

Chinese Fritters with XO Sauce

��Provide great appetizer and promote growth of muscle.

避風塘炒蟹 *幫助消化+養筋活血

Typhoon Shelter Crab

��Promote digestion, blood circulation and maintain tendons.

櫻花蝦高麗菜 *強筋健骨+預防癌症

Shrimps with Cabbage

��Maintain tendon and bone health, help prevent cancer.

生菜蝦鬆 *清熱利尿+降低膽固醇

Minced Shrimps Lettuce Salad

��Provide body cooling and slightly diuretic, reduce cholesterol level.

沙茶海瓜子 *調節血脂+防止動脈硬化

Clams with Shacha Sauce

��Regulating blood lipid level and prevent atherosclerosis.

醬爆雙脆 *保護眼睛+清熱利尿

Soy sauce fry double cracking

��Protect eyesight, provide body cooling and slightly diuretic.

三杯蟹腳 *補養體力+清熱活血

Three-Cup Crab Legs

��Revitalization and body cooling and promote blood circulation.

豆豉鮮蚵 *提振精力+促進新陳代謝

Fresh Oysters with Fermented Black Beans

��Energizing and enhance metabolism.

絲瓜蛤蜊 *清熱化痰+降低膽固醇

Clams with Loofah

��Provide body cooling, throat soothing and reduce cholesterol level.

彩椒百合炒中卷 *強身健體+寧心安神

Stir-Fried Squids with Colorful Bell Peppers and Lily

��Improve physical fitness and reduce irritability.

蘆筍炒花枝 *消除疲勞+延緩老化

Stir-Fried Cuttlefish with Asparagus

��Reduce fatigue and slow aging.

塔香炒雪螺 *清熱明目+有益脾胃

Stir-Fried Conches with Basil Leaves

��Provide body cooling, protect eyesight protection and stomach.

蒜子透抽煲 *穩定血壓+對抗疲勞

Squids and Garlic Pot

��Stabilize blood pressure and fight fatigue.

涼瓜炒三點蟹 *清熱解毒+開胃潤肺

Stir-Fried Three-Spotted Swimmer Crabs with Bitter Melons

��Provide detoxification, an appetizer, and be good for lungs.

海鮮蒸煮料理Steaming Seafood Dishes

蒜茸蒸蝦 *滋補強心+抗腫瘤

Steamed Shrimps with Garlic Sauce

��Provide nutrition to cardiac conditions and prevent tumor growth.

五味小墨魚 *緩解疲勞+延緩衰老

Small Cuttlefish in Five-Flavor Sauce

��Relieve fatigue and delay aging.

鮮蝦蒸蛋 *補充能量+強健骨骼

Steamed Eggs with Fresh Shrimps

��Supply energy and strengthen bones.

蔥油海蜇頭 *維持肌膚彈性+保護心血管

Jellyfish Head with Scallion Oil

��Maintain skin elasticity and provide cardiovascular protection.

藥膳蝦 *降低膽固醇+強化視力

Shrimps with Chinese Healthy Medicine

��Reduce cholesterol and enhance eyesight.

水煮蝦 *補養元氣+開胃化痰

Boiled Shrimps

��Nourish energy, provide an appetizer and throat soothing.

花瓜燒旭蟹 *強化骨骼+滋補身體

Braised Frog Crabs with Pickled Cucumbers

��Strengthen bones and nourish body.

蝦醬蒸鮮魷 *強化骨骼+利於造血

Steamed Fresh Squids with Shrimp Paste

��Strengthen bones and be good for blood generating.

樹子蒸小卷 *強化心血管+消除疲勞

Steamed Squids with Plum Cordia

��Strengthen cardiovascular system and relieve fatigue.

百花豆腐 *提振食慾+補身健體

Hundred Flower Tofu

��Improve appetite and boost physical fitness.

麻辣拌蜇絲 *降血壓+潤腸通便

Spicy Jellyfish Threads

��Reduce blood pressure and improve digestion.

芥末花枝 *補充腦力+強健肝臟

Cuttlefish with Mustard

��Enhance brain activity and strengthen liver.

蛤蜊蒸蛋 *降低膽固醇+健腦益智

Steamed Eggs with Clams

��Reduce cholesterol level and improve brain activity.

紅燒蝦米豆腐 *強化骨骼+調節脾胃

Braised Tofu with Small Dried Shrimps

��Strengthen bones and regulate stomach functions.

樹子蒸旭蟹 *促進消化+預防皮膚老化

Steamed Frog Crabs with Plum Cordia

��Enhance digestion and prevent skin aging.

豉汁陳皮蝦 *消除疲勞+強化腦力

Citrus Peel Shrimps with Black Bean Sauce

��Reduce fatigue and enhance brain activity.

香茅檸檬蝦 *消除疲勞+增強抵抗力

Lemongrass Shrimps

��Reduce fatigue and enhance immune system.

剝皮椒蒸蟹 *促進新陳代謝+強化骨骼

Steamed Crabs with Peeled Chili Peppers

��Enhance metabolism and strengthen bones.

蔥燒烏參 *活血益氣+補虛養腎

Braised Sea Cucumbers with Scallions

��Improve blood circulation and protect kidneys.

豉汁蒸九孔 *清肝明目+消脂降壓

Steamed Taiwanese Abalones with Fermented Black Beans

��Cleanse liver, protect eyesight, reduce blood lipid level and blood pressure.

咖哩燒螃蟹 *健胃助消化+對抗衰老

Curry Crabs

��Help digestion and prevent aging.

蝦卵拌西芹 *調節免疫力+增強體力

Shrimp Eggs with Celery

��Regulate immune system and enhance physical strength.

海鮮煎炸料理Pan-Frying Seafood Dishes

吉利優格蝦 *增進消化+緩和壓力

Lucky Yogurt Shrimps

��Enhance digestion and relieve pressure.

起士焗大蝦 *強健骨骼+預防骨質疏鬆

Baked Cheese Shrimps

��Strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

炸蝦卷 *預防動脈硬化+補虛養身

Fried Shrimp Rolls

��Prevent atherosclerosis and nourish physical fitness.

鹽熗蝦 *開胃益氣+補腎壯陽

Salted and Marinated Shrimps

��Whet appetite and nourish Kidney.

蜂巢炸蝦丸 *保護心血管+促進發育

Deep-Fried Shrimp Balls

��Provide cardiovascular protection and promote growth.

金沙軟殼蟹 *降脂降壓+補充鈣質

Golden Sand Soft-Shell Crabs

��Lower body fat, blood pressure, and supply calcium.

鮮蚵烘蛋 *增加抵抗力+促進發育

Backed Oysters with Eggs

��Enhance immune system and promote body growth.

蒜香魷魚 *養胃潤膚+強化肝臟

Garlic Squids

��Sooth stomach, tone skin and strengthen liver.

捲香胡椒蟹 *健脾開胃+促進血液循環

Peppered Crabs

��Nourish spleen, improve appetite and blood circulation.

酥炸小卷 *強壯骨骼+降低膽固醇

Fried Squids

��Strengthen bones and reduce cholesterol.

鮮蚵酥 *強肝解毒+養顏美容

Fried Fresh Oysters

��Strengthen liver, detoxicate and skincare.

勁醬煎帶子 *補益健身+預防癌症

Pan-Fried Scallops with Sauce

��Tone physical fitness and prevent cancer.

西檸蝦球 *調節免疫力+強化腦細胞

Lemon Shrimp Balls

��Regulate immune system and strengthen brain cells.

蘋果干貝酥 *滋陰潤燥+軟化血管

Fried Scallops with Apples

��Nourishment and soften blood vessels.

糖醋蝦士多 *保養心臟+防治高血壓

Sweet and Sour Shrimps

��Provide heart protection and prevent high blood pressure.

椒鹽吊片 *預防貧血+有利骨骼發育

Salt and Pepper Octopus

��Prevent anemia and beneficial to bone growth.

月亮蝦餅 *提振食慾+潤燥化痰

Moon Shrimp Cakes

��Improve appetite and sooth throat.
